The Arab Regimes and the Mantra of " Stability"
We often hear from the Arab regimes and their western backers that they need to maintain stability in the Middle East. So, what do they mean when the say “Stability???
In their minds, they mean maintaining the status queue of the police state that controls its people, having the treasury being their ATM, the country is their play ground, self indulging without limits, while their population starves to death, having a media that is their mouth piece, glorifying and grandizing their rulers. Having foreign aid pocketed in their overseas bank accounts. Now, seeing the wave change and demands of the people for transparency and reform has changed their tune, and they are speaking of political Reforms and Transparency. Here is the Lineup of Transparency - appointments and Titles of the New Political Reform:
Prime Minister of Ass Kissing—Allegiance and Loyalty to the Leader
His Cabinet:
Ministry of Torture; Ministry Of Communiqués; Minister of Begging; Minister of Corruption; Ministry of Buffoons; Minister of Humus and Flafel; Minister of incompetence ( a lot of people are qualified for this job) .
So here you have it, the NEW Arab Regimes Political Reform and Transparency
In their minds, they mean maintaining the status queue of the police state that controls its people, having the treasury being their ATM, the country is their play ground, self indulging without limits, while their population starves to death, having a media that is their mouth piece, glorifying and grandizing their rulers. Having foreign aid pocketed in their overseas bank accounts. Now, seeing the wave change and demands of the people for transparency and reform has changed their tune, and they are speaking of political Reforms and Transparency. Here is the Lineup of Transparency - appointments and Titles of the New Political Reform:
Prime Minister of Ass Kissing—Allegiance and Loyalty to the Leader
His Cabinet:
Ministry of Torture; Ministry Of Communiqués; Minister of Begging; Minister of Corruption; Ministry of Buffoons; Minister of Humus and Flafel; Minister of incompetence ( a lot of people are qualified for this job) .
So here you have it, the NEW Arab Regimes Political Reform and Transparency