The Islamic Community Center (I.C.C) and Ground Zero Debate

Here are the questions to be asked and issues to be raised to those who oppose the I.C.C:
1. Those who oppose this Islamic Cultural Center are they saying to the American Muslims
“You can love with us, but you will never be treated like one of us”
2.Ask them if they want to establish Islamic presence Exclusion Zones in the USA. How many blocks, miles, towns, cities or states should be excluded from building Islamic Community centers in them? Is it OK to open Islamic Sandwich shop Next Ground Zero site?
3. Why is it every time American Muslims intended to build Community center or a mosque, it immediately becomes an issue of controversy? The location is an issue, the imam is an issue, funding is an issue, sensitivity is an issue, attendees are an issue, traffic, zoning all become issues. How come these topics never been an issue when other places of worship have been built?
American Muslims places of worship welcome all people of faith to build next theirs


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