
Showing posts from April, 2008

Browning of America

With massive number of immigrants, legal and illegal coming to this country, the demographics of this country is changing. with mixed marriages , black on white and others, American population mix is changing . today , we have 25-35% of mixed minorities. what would america look like in 25 years from now. would it be 50/50 Would you share your thoughts on what America would look like in 25 years from now. Would the American dream be will still be alive and well? would we have a massive unrest? would we have separation of the races. Your thoughts , please

Why White Americans adopt oriental chidrens

Have you noticed that alot of white American families adopt oriental kids from China , vietnam , korea, and other adjacent counties. Why? Can you share with us why? Do they go and pay for these kids? is it a drive to have kids as a propperty? does that mean if you have money , you can go ahead and buy what you want. why can't they adopt from their own If you have any comments, please add.

Does God Have A Voice

In this series, I would like to solicit stories that happened in your life that shows and explains if you happened to experience God talking to you. or, Experienced an action or something happened that showed a universal power at hand. Have you had a private conversation with god. Please share with us , what is it? how did it sound? how did you feel about it? write your story here.